Wednesday, October 12, 2011

An Old Phial Of Tiger Balm

Tiger balm is the trade name for a heat rub manufactured and distributed by Haw Par Health Care in Singapore.

As for this one from my collection, it was left from my late grandmother, and therefore, given to me by my mum.

A little story of tiger balm :

It was originally developed in the 1870s by a herbalist, Aw Chu Kin, in Rangoon, Burma, who asked his sons Aw Boon Haw and Aw Boon Par on his deathbed to perfect and pass down the product.

Originally named for containing tiger bone, an ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine dating back 1500 years to treat pain, inflammation and to strengthen muscle, tiger balm now consists purely of herbal ingredients.

Tiger balm is made from a secret herbal formulation that dates back to the times of the Chinese emperors. The Aw brothers, Aw Boon Haw and Aw Boon Par, inherited the formulation from their herbalist father who left China. They call it tiger balm, after Boon Haw, (whose name in Chinese meant "Tiger") who was instrumental in devising the remarkable selling strategies that made tiger balm a household name all over Asia today.

Tiger Balm
Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

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