Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Copper Pandan Box From India

Pictures below showing early tinned copper pandan box from India. Pandan is an Urdu and Hindi name. It is used for storing betel leaf, betel nut, dry tobacco and lime. It is commonly used in India by Marquis, Nawab Earl and also in Pakistan. It is made from heavy copper and is from the city of Moradabad, India. Moradabad is also called 'brass city'. Measures 14cm high and 27cm wide with a hinged lid. The weight is 3.5kg. It is with hand tooled design depicting flowers and vines, with wonderful, deep rich old patina.

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Picture 6

Picture 7


  1. I have actually just come into possession of one of these, does anyone know how much it's worth? I had someone say around $8,000

  2. If you have any insight it would be extremely helpful. Mine looks almost identical to this one.
